Fire Walks With Me

Fire Walks with Me


1-channel film, 3-channel film installation

colour, sound

Shot on 16mm and 4K


Aspect ratio 2,35:1

30 min

Co-Production Stachemou Films London


Evangeline Baldwin

Ann-Ci Lifmark

Hannah Ehrlichmann

Recardo Koppe

Dee Keyne


Author and Director

Christin Berg

lighting Cinematographer

Jakob Stark

Editing by Ninon Liotet

Music by Gábor Ripli

Addtional Soundrecording by

Graciella Barrault


The characters in Fire Walks With Me

have taken on disparate physical forms

to move through a vast array of

geographical spaces and times in history

and yet they are still connected to each other.

They are empathic wanderers,

immersed in the nature that surrounds them.

Shot in Iceland,

Germany, France and Portugal.

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