Woman Alive

Woman Alive
1-channel film
black and white, sound
shot on 4K
60 min
Cécile Laroche
Sabine Clement
Ben Shemie
Author and Director
Christin Berg
lighting Cinematographer
Jakob Stark
Music by Ben Shemie
Editing by Christin Berg
Sound Recording by
Graciella Barrault
The idea for the film Woman Alive
originated on the streets of Paris and
at the Cité Internationale des Arts.
A narrative in black and white
whose protagonists stand facing
one another to proclaim nothing less
than the end of the world.
Two women gifted with political
acumen and common sense,
whose interpretations go
unheard nevertheless.
Their revelations are articulated on a
sort of pilgrimage that leads each of them
to find the other.